Mother has nothing afriad for protecting her child.

2012-03-25 09.04.55
Mother has nothing afriad for protecting her child.
Even though a tiny, small animals are not afriad against their enemy when it gives harm to their children.
How could they have that kind of high courage?
Here is an excident happend to a sparrow and what it did against its enemy ,not really enemy

I looked along the avenue, and saw a young sparrow, with yellow about its
beak and down on its head. It had fallen out of the nest (the wind was
violently shaking the birch-trees in the avenue) and sat unable to move,
helplessly flapping its half-grown wings.

My dog was slowly approaching it, when, suddenly darting down from a tree
close by, an old dark-throated sparrow fell like a stone right before his
nose, and all ruffled up, terrified, with despairing and pitiful cheeps, it
flung itself twice towards the open jaws of shining teeth.

It sprang to save; it cast itself before its nestling… but all its tiny
body was shaking with terror; its note was harsh and strange. Swooning with
fear, it offered itself up!

What a huge monster must the dog have seemed to it

The dog somewhat admitted about the sparrow’s certain strength.

The power of maternal love can never be explained with physical phenomenon.

There exists the eternal energy and sacrifice of giving up on its own self.

No one can dare to break it or win against it.

This is the reason why we can receive salvation.

How strong mother’s love

God's love
How can we masure how deep the mother’s love is?
Sometimes I heard some news about mother’s love for her children.
Her love is so deep and so high!Yesterday I saw an article about
how storng mother’s love is
Here is the arcitle.
An Australian woman delivered twins after 27 weeks.
The daughter was born relatively healthy,
but the son weighing 2.2lbs, was having difficulty in breathing.

Though the medical team quickly gave first aid, but the child lost its breath and died.

However, the mother and the father didn’t give up and asked the doctor for a last chance.

She embraced her child and while touching the child’s cheek with hers, the mother breastfed.
Two hours passed and something unbelievable happened.

The child, who was supposed to be dead, started moving its fingers.

“Something happened that we can just express it as a miracle.
When my son slightly held on my finger, at an instinct I knew that our relationship didn’t end.”

The child’s breathe became normal and eventually became healthy.
He is growing up healthily like normal children.

Mother’s burning love that revived a heart is truly amazing.

I give thanks to God the Mother who never gives up on us, running towards the way of death.

Endless love -God the father and God the mother


In this winter. It has a lot of snow
When I saw the snow, I used to remember the movie “Love stroy”
When I was not married, I just thought of the scene of the field of snow where the lovers’ playing
But after marrige and had children, I thought the sacrifice and love of mother.
The heroine was diagnosed with leukemia ofter being pregnant.

The doctor told her that she needed treatment to survive,
in order to do so;she needed to give up the baby.

But she refused to get a treatment.

She endured the painful ten months, and ultimately delivered her daughter

After several months of her delivery, she died with leukemia.

She gave up her life to save her child.

Meaning, for the child, the mother will readily give up her own life.

Who would love something that they would devotedly give up their life?

When she was a woman, she was a lover of a man
But when she was a mom she was “love

I respect the name ‘mother,’ the name of the greatest love.

And to our Heavenly Mother…

I beg for Your forgiveness and give thanks to You.

Thank You Mother.

Anywhere – The Love of Heavenly Parents

Many animals’ love for their children gives me deep impress in my mind.
Sometimes I wonder how can they give their children
that kind of love and sacrifice.
However here is one of stories what I heard about the love for their children.
-About magpie. As we know mapie never leaves its territory.
Here is one couple magpie which flew out as much as 34km of its territory

Like a bolt from the blue, something happened to the magpie family that was living happily in their nest on top of a pine tree.

In a tree planting ceremony, the people decided to implant the pine tree as a commemoration planting.

The pine tree was moved to another place with the three hatchlings remaining on the nest. The magpie couple flew to that place and reunited.

One of the workers who saw this scene was very surprised and said, “As a matter of fact, I saw two magpies following my truck, but I doubted that they would fly that far to this place.”

Thinking of the magpie couple who would have flown struggling desperately out of the scope of activity, I also thought it was amazing.

That automatically reminded me of one incident…

That is, from the heavens, God the Father and God the mother came down far away to this lowly earth!

It was a cosmic incident that would have made the whole world restless, but the people who didn’t hear or realize, typically have no response.

This year, I will preach this news to many people, which is a wide-eyed surprising news when they realize.

Until the day, when all of the members of the heavenly family reunite, embracing in the arms of Father and Mother…</strong

Heavenly mother’s sacrifice

There are two female horses in the yard. They look almost same.
One is mother horse, the other daughter horse
How can we distinguish between mother horse and daughter horse?
Do you know how? It’s easy.
Make them starve for a while.
Then feed them. One may not eat, and the other will eat without any care.
Then you may know which is mother horse and which is daughter horse.
Mother never eat food first before her children but children do
Mother never sleep first before her children but children do
Mother never rest first before her children but children do
Mother has sacrifice and love for her children but children not
How about our heavenly mother?
She forgot rest and sleep because of her indiscreet children.
She always take care of her children and protect them without her rest and sleep.
Thank you so much heavenly mother for giving us endless love